General conditions

Travel contract and General conditions and instructions for tourist arrangements
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1. Subject of the contract
The subject of this contract is the regulation of mutual relations of travel organizers - travel agency PAG TOURS d.o.o. (hereinafter PAG TOURS) and the PASSENGER or the travel contractor in the event that the travel contractor enters into this contract in favor of a third party as a passenger (hereinafter PASSENGER). This travel contract also contains the General Conditions and Instructions for Tourist Arrangements, ie it refers to the travel program that contains all the necessary information.The contract is considered binding after it is signed by an employee of the agency (employee of PAG TOURS or any other authorized for the sale of PAG TOURS arrangements) and the PASSENGER and after the PASSENGER pays the full price of the travel arrangement or part of the price and indisputably ensures payment of the remaining amount by the agreed date. If the passenger is not able to personally sign the contract, the contract produces legal effects only when PAG TOURS receives the entire agreed amount of the package price or if explicitly agreed, part of the agreed price and documentation that indisputably ensures payment of the remaining price by the agreed date. The traveler can register for the trip in all PAG TOURS branches and other authorized agencies in person, by phone, internet or some other means of remote communication. When concluding the contract, the passenger is obliged to provide personal data and timely submit all documentation necessary to organize the trip. The PASSENGER guarantees that PAG TOURS has provided the correct and valid information necessary for the smooth implementation of the trip and accepts all legal obligations arising from this contract and positive legal regulations.
2. Reservations and payment
Upon check-in, to confirm the reservation, the traveler pays 50% of the price of the arrangement (unless otherwise stated in the program). The rest of the total price of the package is paid no later than 21 days before the start of the trip or documentation is provided for the undisputed collection of the total price of the package. If the passenger does not fulfill his obligation no later than 21 days before departure, it will be considered that he has canceled the reservation without the possibility of a refund of the advance payment. For all reservations, including reservations "on request" (when for a particular arrangement at the time of registration of passengers for a particular trip there is no place, but PAG TOURS is able to provide them additionally) PAG TOURS charges a fee for booking costs in the amount of 75 kuna (per contract ), and in the event that there are less than 21 days left until the departure for such a reservation "on request", the appropriate part of the price of the arrangement shall be paid according to the conditions from Article 8 of this contract. PAG TOURS is obliged to process the requested reservation "on request" within 2 working days (Saturday is not considered a working day) and to inform the passenger in writing or orally. If PAG TOURS does not notify the passenger within the specified period or is unable to provide a reservation for the requested arrangement, the full amount of payment will be refunded in full to the passenger. If the passenger does not accept the requested reservation, and confirmed by PAG TOURS, the payment costs are not refundable, including the fee for the reservation costs. To confirm reservations according to the "Fortuna system" or according to "Last minute" offers, the PASSENGER is obliged to immediately pay the amount of the arrangement in full or to ensure undisputed payment of the entire amount of the arrangement.
3. Prices
Travel prices are published in the travel program and are valid from the day the program is published. The prices of the package - package do not include the fee for the reservation costs, which are charged additionally in the amount of HRK 75 (per contract) when booking. The prices listed in PAG TOURS programs are based on contracts with our partners and do not have to correspond to the prices published on the spot in the destination where the traveler is staying and any difference in price cannot be the subject of an objection. The tour operator may provide that the traveler pays for certain services to be used abroad on the spot in the currency of the country in which he is located. For services paid for on the spot, the passenger submits a possible complaint directly to the service provider. PAG TOURS may, no later than 21 days before the start of the trip, request an increase in the agreed price if after concluding the contract there is a change in exchange rates or an increase in the price of services that make up the package, especially an increase in transportation costs, including fuel costs. airports and other ports, etc.), increases in the price of accommodation, which affect the price of travel. In this case, the price of the arrangement will increase reciprocally with the increase in the price of the calculation elements on the basis of which the price was formed. The passenger undertakes to accept an increase in the agreed price of up to 10%. If there is an increase in the agreed price in the amount of more than 10%, the passenger has the right to cancel the arrangement, provided that he is obliged to notify PAG TOURS in writing within 2 working days of receipt of notice. In case of cancellation of the arrangement, the passenger is not entitled to compensation. If the passenger does not submit his cancellation to PAG TOURS in writing and within the specified period, it is considered that he agrees to the price change.
4. Categorization and description of services
The hotels, apartments or other facilities offered in the PAG TOURS programs are described according to the official categorization of the country in question at the time the program was issued. We point out that local categorization differs significantly in individual countries. Accommodation, food, comfort and other services are supervised by local and state tourism administrations, and standards of accommodation and services are different and not comparable. PAG TOURS does not accept responsibility for any oral or written information that is not in accordance with the description of services and facilities in PAG TOURS programs valid for the said trip, and which was provided either by PAG TOURS employees or a third party. The schedule of accommodation in rooms or apartments is determined by the reception in the place of stay. If the traveler has not explicitly contracted a room / apartment of special features, he will accept any officially registered room / apartment for rent in a particular facility or destination described in the travel program. Accommodation is not possible before 4 pm on the day of using the service, and it must be vacated by 10 am on the day of using the service, unless otherwise stated in the travel program. For later individual arrivals to accommodation facilities (after 8 pm) it is necessary to inform PAG TOURS at least one day before departure, if such a later arrival is not provided by the travel program.
5. Travel documents, compliance with regulations
A traveler applying for a trip abroad must have valid travel documents. Upon registration or until the expiration of the deadline specified in the program, the traveler is obliged to submit to PAG TOURS all the necessary data and documents for obtaining a visa for the country to which he is traveling. PAG TOURS does not guarantee a visa. If the traveler does not fulfill the stated obligations or his request for a visa is denied, it will be considered that the traveler has given up the trip. The passenger is obliged to comply with customs, foreign exchange and other regulations. If the passenger is unable to continue the trip due to non-compliance with the regulations, he shall bear all costs and consequences that arise as a result. If the passenger loses his travel documents or is stolen during the trip, he is obliged to provide new ones at his own expense. The passenger is obliged to ensure that he personally, his documents and luggage meet the requirements of visa, border, customs, health and other regulations, both the Republic of Croatia and the country to which he travels, adhere to house rules in restaurants and hotels and cooperate with a representative of the tour operator and service providers in good faith. In case of non-compliance with the stated obligations, the passenger is liable for the damage, and PAG TOURS removes any responsibility for such damage. In that case, the passenger pays the amount of damage to the owner of the facility (hotel, apartment, etc.) at the reception. When signing the contract, the PAG TOURS employee will acquaint the passenger with the sources of information about the country to which the traveler is traveling, including the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. We recommend that every passenger be personally informed on the website www.mvep.hr and view the list of high or moderate risk countries in the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. We recommend all travelers who are not Croatian citizens and do not have Croatian travel documents to be personally informed about the country they are traveling to and the conditions that need to be met to travel to that country, taking into account the different regulations that apply to citizens of certain countries. PAG TOURS may refer the passenger to the source of the information but in no way assumes responsibility for the consequences that could result from the non-compliance with these regulations for the passenger himself. Invalid travel documents, ie disapproval of a visa that results in cancellation of the trip, is in no way binding on PAG TOURS and the conditions of travel cancellation apply. PAG TOURS removes any liability for damage that would result from non-compliance with the regulations of certain countries or that would cause invalid travel documents.
6. Travel insurance
Pursuant to the Law on the Provision of Services in Tourism, the agency's employees are obliged to offer the traveler a "package" of travel insurance consisting of: voluntary health insurance during a stay abroad, accident insurance, luggage insurance and travel cancellation insurance. By signing the contract, the passenger confirms that he has been offered a travel insurance package. In the event that the passenger requires these insurances, they can be contracted directly with one of the insurers or with PAG TOURS, where PAG TOURS participates only as an intermediary. By signing this contract, it is considered that the passengers have been offered and recommended insurance listed in the previous paragraph.
7. Travel cancellation risk insurance
If the passenger predicts that he would have to cancel the trip when registering for the trip, we recommend paying the cancellation insurance policy. Cancellation insurance cannot be paid later but only when applying for a trip. Cancellation insurance is valid only in the following cases, with mandatory written confirmation: military service, illness, death in the immediate family. If the passenger does not have a contracted cancellation insurance, and must cancel the trip and has a certificate of military service, illness or death, PAG TOURS reserves the right to payment according to the rules set out in Article 8 of this Agreement. When canceling the arrangement, the cost of obtaining a visa is not paid, even if the traveler has paid cancellation insurance. By paying the cancellation insurance policy, the passenger transfers all his claims to the insurance company whose cancellation insurance policy he owns, and PAG TOURS undertakes to provide the passenger with all documentation necessary for the realization of the passenger's claims against the insurance company, which relates to the arrangement. All cancellation conditions are listed in the insurance policy and we recommend each passenger to read them in person.
8. Cancellation of the trip by the passenger
If the passenger cancels the paid package, PAG TOURS retains from the total price of the package (unless otherwise stated in the program): up to 30 days before departure 10% of the package price, and at least 100 kn 29-22 days before departure 30% of the package price 21-15 days before departure 40% of the package price 14-8 days before departure 80% of the package price 7-0 days before departure and after departure 100% of the package price The stated costs apply to changes in the departure date or accommodation facility as well as to all other significant changes. PAG TOURS charges the actual replacement costs if the passenger - contract holder cancels the trip and finds another user of the same reservation who meets all the conditions for using the said arrangement. If 21 days before departure the passenger has not paid the remaining amount or ensured the indisputable payment of the arrangement, PAG TOURS considers that the passenger has canceled the reservation, without the possibility of refunding the advance payment for the trip.
9. Cancellation of the trip by PAG TOURS or change of travel program
If  PAG TOURS significantly changes the program, accommodation or price before the start of the trip, it is obliged to inform the passenger in writing without delay. The passenger may, within 2 working days of receiving the PAG TOURS notification, accept or reject the amended program. In case of deduction or deafness to the offer, PAG TOURS undertakes to return the paid part of the price to the passenger within 7 working days. In case of acceptance, the replacement arrangement offered to him by PAG TOURS is considered a new travel contract, provided that the passenger waives all claims against PAG TOURS on any legal basis that would arise from the original contract. If PAG TOURS did not provide most of the contracted services after the start of the trip or if it assesses that it will not be able to ensure the fulfillment of most of the contracted services, PAG TOURS may at its own expense and with the consent of the passenger make changes to the program. the difference in price between the contracted and actually provided services. With the written consent of the passenger, PAG TOURS may replace the unexecuted part of the service with another service, whereby the passenger waives the right to claim from PAG TOURS for such mutually agreed and changed part of the trip in relation to the concluded travel contract. If PAG TOURS has not been able to change the travel program in an appropriate manner or if the passenger does not accept the changes for justified reasons, PAG TOURS will allow him to return to the place of departure or some other place at his own expense, if the passenger agrees, and compensate him for any damage. which he suffered in the process.The damage is paid in the amount of part of the price of the unused part of the contracted program, based on the passenger's complaint. PAG TOURS will resolve the complaint in the manner specified in item 11 of this contract. The maximum amount of damage may be the amount of the price of the contracted arrangement. PAG TOURS is authorized to unilaterally terminate the contract in whole or in part, without the obligation to compensate the passenger, if external extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances occur that could not be prevented, avoided or eliminated, which would have been justified at the time of the travel contract. reason for PAG TOURS not to enter into a contract. In this case, the passenger has the right to a refund of the amount paid in full or the difference in price between the contracted and provided services. PAG TOURS reserves the right to cancel the trip, no later than 5 days before the start of the trip, if the trip was canceled by the tour operator for which PAG TOURS was an intermediary in the sale of the package or if the minimum number of passengers required for each package travel program or for some other valid reason. PAG TOURS reserves the right to change the day or hour of travel due to a change of flight schedule or unforeseen circumstances, the right to change the direction of travel if the travel conditions change (changed flight schedule, safety situation in a particular country, natural disasters or other situations PAG TOURS does not may affect), without compensation, and according to applicable regulations in domestic and international traffic. PAG TOURS does not take responsibility for changes due to unforeseen circumstances and force majeure during the trip. In that case, he can provide services according to the given situation. PAG TOURS is not responsible for any errors in the printing of programs within brochures / catalogs as well as for incorrect data entries by the operator on the PAG TOURS website.
10. Travel organized by other organizers / tour operators
For all arrangements where PAG TOURS is the main organizer, these General Terms and Conditions apply, except in the case where PAG TOURS is an intermediary or not the main organizer of the trip. Such arrangements will be specially marked and the general conditions of the responsible organizer apply to them and PAG TOURS is not responsible for the implementation of tourist arrangements of other organizers. By signing the contract, the PASSENGER fully accepts the program and conditions of the trip.
11. Resolving Complaints
The passenger has the right to complain about the unfulfilled contracted service. The passenger is obliged to submit a written complaint to PAG TOURS, within 8 days from the end of the trip. Complaints filed after the 8-day deadline will not be considered. We emphasize that it is in the passenger's interest to act in good faith and express a will to resolve complaints during the trip and send his written complaint to the service provider on the spot (reception, carrier, caterer or travel agency in the destination) and request written confirmation from the service provider. received an objection. Each passenger - contract holder submits a complaint separately. PAG TOURS will not consider group complaints. PAG TOURS is obliged to make a written decision on the complaint within 15 days of receiving the complaint in the manner in which the complaint was received (by e-mail, mail or personal delivery to which it will be answered by a written return). PAG TOURS will resolve only those complaints for which the passenger submits proof that he sent a written complaint to the service provider on the spot and that the cause could not be remedied on the spot.If due to the fault of PAG TOURS there is a non-fulfillment of the program or part of the services, the passenger is entitled to compensation in the amount of the actual value of unused services and cannot include already used services or the entire amount of the arrangement. in the case of concluding a contract on organizing a trip as a "last minute" (last minute trip) or a contract in which the name of the accommodation traveler learns only upon arrival at the destination (actions such as: fortune, roulette, no name, as, jocker, etc.) , THE TRAVELER accepts all the risks of such a trip. Such trips contain uncertain facts that PAG TOURS cannot influence, and the PASSENGER has accepted such a trip primarily due to the more favorable price, and therefore the PASSENGER has no right to object to PAG TOURS. In the event of a dispute concerning an online sales and online services contract, the consumer can lodge a complaint or initiate an online dispute resolution procedure through the online dispute resolution platform available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/ odr / Until PAG TOURS decides on the passenger's complaint, the passenger waives the mediation of any other person, court institution or giving information to the media.
12. Health regulations
The traveler is obliged to inform PAG TOURS about all the facts regarding his health, habits, etc., which could jeopardize the trip (if for health and other reasons he is looking for a certain type of food, suffers from chronic diseases, allergies, etc.). Some programs have special travel rules that include mandatory vaccinations and the acquisition of appropriate documents. The passenger is obliged to perform the mandatory vaccination as well as to have certificates and documents about it. We recommend paying for a health insurance policy
13. Luggage
Carriage of luggage up to a certain weight, determined by the carrier, is free of charge. In the case of air transport, the excess baggage is paid by the passenger according to the applicable rules and prices of the carrier. Children up to the age of 2 are not entitled to free luggage transport. PAG TOURS does not take responsibility for lost or damaged luggage. Claims for lost luggage should be made to the carrier or hotel. In the case of air transport, luggage is the sole responsibility of the airline, on the basis of the regulations in force in air transport. In case of lost luggage, the passenger fills in the PIR form of the airline that performed the transport and hands it over to the representative of the airline, and keeps one copy for himself. Based on the completed form, the airline pays him compensation in accordance with the regulations in force in domestic and international passenger air traffic. In case of loss of luggage in the hotel, the passenger sends the request to the hotel where the luggage was lost. We recommend paying for a luggage insurance policy.
14. Insurance in case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the travel organizer
Pursuant to the Law on the Provision of Services in Tourism, PAG TOURS has concluded an Insurance Contract with the insurer in case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the travel organizer due to which the travel service is absent or to reimburse the costs of returning the Passenger to the place of departure. In the event of an insured event, the Traveler should contact the insurer Euroherc osiguranje d.d. as soon as possible. Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 282, tel: 01/6004209 (guarantee insurance policy number: 802301155). This document is valid as a Certificate of Insurance in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of the travel organizer.
15. Liability insurance
In accordance with the Law on the Provision of Services in Tourism, PAG TOURS has with the insurance company Euroherc osiguranje d.d. Zagreb, concluded Contract on liability insurance for damage caused to the passenger by non-fulfillment, partial fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, number 802301151. Agency employees will acquaint the PASSENGER with the content of the valid Contract on liability insurance for damage caused by PAG TOURS by improper fulfillment of obligations related to the package arrangement, and the Traveler confirms by signing the Travel Contract that he is familiar with the content of the said Insurance Contract.
16. Protection of personal data
The passenger provides personal data voluntarily. Personal data of passengers are needed in the process of realization of the agreed arrangements and will be used for further communication. PAG TOURS undertakes not to take the passenger's personal data out of the country except for the purpose of realizing the agreed arrangements. The exception to the provision of personal data to third parties relates to the contracting of travel insurance policies, ie if the passenger concludes an insurance policy, then his personal data will be forwarded to the insurance company. Passengers' personal data will be stored in a database, in accordance with the Decision of the Management Board on the manner of collecting, processing and storing personal data. The passenger agrees that his personal data may be used for the purpose of realization of contractual arrangements and marketing actions of PAG TOURS.
17. Information
The notices that the traveler receives at the reception point are not binding on the organizer to a greater extent than the notices and information stated in the travel program itself.
18. Final provisions
These travel conditions and instructions exclude all previous travel conditions and instructions. The general conditions and instructions on the trip are an integral part of the contract that the traveler concludes with PAG TOURS or the authorized travel agency in which he applied for the trip organized by PAG TOURS. The parties undertake to resolve possible disputes amicably. If this is not possible, in case of a dispute, the court in Pag has jurisdiction, and Croatian law applies.
PAG TOURS d.o.o. travel agency, Pag, Zagrebačka 12, Pag, 01.01.2017.